Friday, February 26, 2016


I've found quite a few Lomo objectives which isn't surprising.  One of the microscopes that dad used frequently was a Lomo.  I've been trying to figure out which model it is and I can't seem to get anyone by phone or by email at the Lomo headquarters in the US (up by Chicago).  The phone number I've tried is the one listed for the US, Canada and Mexico and I've tried both emails.  The page is and so I think I'm not going to get any help from them.
This is the microscope in question.

If you have any idea what model this might be, please don't hesitate to let me know.  Thank you!


  1. I don't know the Lomo brands but I think if you Google Lomo Images, you should be able to find your model.

    1. I've actually tried that. I see so many that look similar that I'm just not sure. It's kind of like a novice trying to figure out the difference between clear fluorite and quartz. Unless you know what to look for you just aren't sure.

  2. This is a Lomo Biolam microscope. It looks fairly complete from what I can see in the picture. The Lomo microscopes were generally copies of the Zeiss microscopes of the 1950's When East Germany was taken by the Russian a lot of their optical factories were duplicated in Leningrad Russia.

    1. OK. I have some lenses marked Lomo, some in English and some in Russian. I'll sort those out to make sure I keep all those together. Thanks again Tim. :)


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