Saturday, February 27, 2016

Biological Microscope

Ok, so I found another microscope dad was apparently using for parts.
So I googled it and found reference to it here:
But it doesn't tell me much.  I know there's parts to this microscope missing.  And I have no idea if anyone would even want it.  And I can't seem to find one for sale anywhere.  Here's the rest of the photos.

Now, I know this isn't normal but this thing has battery cables coming out of it and dad had a power source for it.  No, I didn't try it to see if the light came on, lol.  But this isn't normal is it?  Does anyone have any idea who might want this for parts? 


  1. I would look through the drawer of objectives and look for the ones that say PLAN.

    It looks like this scope came with a set of Plan Achromats. You have said before there were many objectives. That would probably make it complete enough to sell.

    1. Ok, I'll take a look. I've seen some that day that. Thank you Tim.

  2. BIOIMAGER specializes in providing the turn-key and high efficient microscopy-based imaging solutions for life sciences and industrial applications, including epi-fluorescence, biological, metallurgical and polarizing microscopy products. For more information then Contact us:

    Biological Microscope


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